Never Enough, Never Again
Stop the failure messages and Wake Up to Your Life
Coaching for Men
Your life is intense…
I feel trapped. I can’t keep living like this.
Nothing I do is ever good enough for her.
I’ve given up any hope for ever stopping porn.
I’m going through life, but it doesn’t feel like I am really living.
I can bottle it up for a while, but then I explode…I hate myself for doing this.
TenderHearted Men coaching can help you overcome anger, anxiety and depression, be a better partner, or stop unwanted pornography use.
You can take control of your life
Hi, I’m Nathaniel
I help men just like you. Call me to strengthen your intimacy, find meaning and purpose, or to stop unwanted pornography use.
Your life can be free and amazing!
Engaging the Power of Emotions
Listen, if it were a matter of thinking your way through it, you would have figured it out by now. What you need isn’t a matter of thinking, it is a matter of feeling.
Most men were taught to bury emotions, and that works for a while. Then anxiety, depression, and addiction set in. All of these are alleviated by effectively engaging and resolving emotions—not burying them.
As you engage emotions, you become a better parent, intimacy grows, and you’ll control your anger.
Guys who learn to engage their emotions simply enjoy life more. They feel free and alive. They have confidence in their ability to handle the hard things of life. They appreciate and savor all that life has for them.
Overcoming Pornography and Affairs
There are reasons you are stuck…this is not just a lust issue. If you could have just stopped, you would have…long ago. And now you’re fighting for your marriage and trying to fast track your recovery.
You will be guided through a proven process of recovery, relationship repair, and redemption. You will discover root issues, engage emotions, work on communication skills, and heal individually and as a couple.
I gotta be straight with you…it’ll likely be the hardest work of your life.
And if you go all in, you can be free. You can earn her respect. You can hold your head high, looking in the mirror and genuinely like the man you’re looking at.