The Boogieman Isn’t Real: The Frame of Mind Needed to Validate
Validation is hard and needed to deescalate fights and engage in deep connection.
Invitation or Condemnation: What Do You Hear When Your Spouse Is Angry?
4 prompts to help you take responsibility for yourself during fights.
A Framework for Better Communication
Communication is not just talking and listening—it is about connection and being accepted. We want to be known and accepted for who we truly are.
What to Do When You Blow Your Top with Your Spouse
Identify the deeper issues in why you lose your temper and 5 steps for what to do when you blow your top.
Striking Out or Out on Strike?
Our mindset is essential when we fail relationally. We must have a plan for how to deal with mistakes.
A Vision for Marriage: What I Want for My Clients
Hope for a better marriage. 5 points to bring relational connection.
8 Helps to Show Your Wife You are Really Listening
Practical helps you can put to work today and come back to developing greater connection with your spouse.
Resolving the Problem vs Resolving the Emotion
5 Helps to Resolve Fights with Effective Communication
Winning her Back vs Earning her Trust
Wives can see through the things we do. If the only change in life is a change in doing things; there is a miss. The work that must be done to repair a broken relationship is not on what is done, but on who you are.
Towards Empathy and Better Communication
The first step of empathy is not listening well. The first step of empathy is engaging our own emotions.