Invitation or Condemnation: What Do You Hear When Your Spouse Is Angry?
4 prompts to help you take responsibility for yourself during fights.
A Framework for Better Communication
Communication is not just talking and listening—it is about connection and being accepted. We want to be known and accepted for who we truly are.
What to Do When You Blow Your Top with Your Spouse
Identify the deeper issues in why you lose your temper and 5 steps for what to do when you blow your top.
Improve Communication: Ask Good Questions
There is an art to communication, and everyone could use help strengthening their communication skills. While talking with our spouse, if you’ve ever felt like a deer in the headlights, this article is for you.
8 Helps to Show Your Wife You are Really Listening
Practical helps you can put to work today and come back to developing greater connection with your spouse.
Resolving the Problem vs Resolving the Emotion
5 Helps to Resolve Fights with Effective Communication